Photo is from snowshoeing at Trillium Lake a few years ago with some friends. (Although, it wasn't actually cold that day - we were down to our long sleeved shirts halfway through...)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Baby it's Cold Outside...
Photo is from snowshoeing at Trillium Lake a few years ago with some friends. (Although, it wasn't actually cold that day - we were down to our long sleeved shirts halfway through...)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Look what I did!
That's Corriedale wool that I spun!
I took a drop spindle class yesterday. Um...dangerous. :-) I think I'll be doing more of this!
However...I have to keep in mind the other projects I have going on and want to have going on...
Notably, the 7 projects that are actually started, and the 1 that has been partially dissected on paper. Oh - and those are only the knitting projects. That doesn't include the Christmas cards that I've been wanting to make. (Which I told myself last year that I'd give up on if they aren't done by Thanksgiving...much of the holiday season was spent freaking out over finishing the cards... Oh, and I haven't started them. Nope. Hardly even an idea yet.)
On the knitting projects, I've been continuing slowly on them. I can see progress!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
View from our Window
But! Here's a photo from our bedroom window.
The tree to the left is now naked & all the leaves have been blown away by the landscapers. But the tree below (the one at the right of the photo above) still has leaves & is less green now.
This photo is my background right now at work. I took it on one of our lunch time walks in the parking lot.
This one is also from the walk...There are trees like that around about 1/3 of the campus, and also lining several blocks of the street outside our campus. So pretty!
Ha! I'm doing well catching up on the posts I could almost do while my camera cable was missing... There are still a couple more. :-)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sick = Knitting time
The first is a pair of socks that I started in June, which had taken a long break to accomodate other projects. Pattern: Hedgerow socks (ravlink). Yarn is KP Essential Kettle Dyed. I finished the first sock, but haven't gotten a photo yet, so here's an old one ;-) The finished first sock fits perfectly & I'm sure I'll wear them often!
I also was able to gift the Anhinga sweater (ravlink) to it's recipient a couple weekends ago. It looks super cute on her & I hope she can get a lot of wear out of it.
That's enough for a Tuesday ;-) I (obviously...) found my camera cable & have lots of photos to share!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wow. Another month gone by. Shoot.
BUT! I plan to remedy all those issues in the very near future & give grand updates ;-) For the 2 people who might read this. Ha.
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, September 21, 2009
I've learned a new way to stay sane...
Hopefully the saga, as it has become, will be over soon. Then I might share more details. For now, I'll just say that we have to come up with 2x the amount of money by Friday/Monday than we thought we were going to have to.
Man does that cramp our style.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Few Favorite Things
The favorites involved:
- Knitting, of course, is a favorite hobby lately.
- Ravelry, for which the photo was really taken, is one of my favorite knitting sites. I'm sure you've heard me talk about it, or seen a link to it from here before. For those of you who don't have an account (most non-knitters), you can only see the homepage. Ravelry is a fantastic knitting 'social network' of sorts. Trust me, it's great.
- The photo was taken at Urban Coffee Lounge - the independent coffee shop we love to frequent (also the site of the Wednesday night knitting group I go to.
- Tea - this cup happens to be chamomile, which I am amazed that I can stand to drink! But there's something about a cup of tea...
- Might-O Donuts - this one is a full size Cinnamon & Sugar, which leads to the next one...
- Half priced pastries at the end of the day!
- See the bit of blue with a white design in the upper right corner? That's my favorite other half drinking his favorite drink - a chai tea latte - and wearing one of his favorite shirts.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Other Previously Secret Project
Monday, August 10, 2009
Two Big Projects Finished!!!
The sweater is my Delphine (ravlink) and the puzzle is the Ravensburger World Map, 1665, which happens to have 3000 pieces! The sweater has been a project since April, the puzzle since, oh, early December 2008. BOY will it be nice to have our dining room table back!!! (or be able to take the extra leaf out of it and have the living room back!)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Weddings & Flowers
Monday, July 13, 2009
I didn't disappear again...
Here's some photos I took recently around Juanita Bay.
On the knitting front... my Delphine (ravlink) is going well. I am super close to finishing. I'm just doing the edging around the neckline and arm holes. And then I need to find a button. And stick in the remaining yarn ends. The most recent photo I have is this one... which is way behind the times now.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I'll try again this evening, hopefully I'll be more awake. Maybe I'll take another picture even.
Monday, July 6, 2009
What I did over the weekend...
Edit 2: Umm looks fine again at home. Can you see it?
A. Nothing.
B. Knit a lot.
C. Melted Cookie Monster in the bathtub.
I didn't actually knit a ton over the weekend - I was too busy taking 2 sweaters apart to reuse for yarn. Haven't taken finished photos yet, but that's what one of them looked like 2/3 of the way through ;-) It was a wool/nylon/angora mix from the Gap, bought for $6.99 at Value Village. Appx. 2000 yds(?)
The striped socks are almost finished. There should be finished photos of them tonight. As well as photos of my reclaimed yarn. Wahoo!
I also worked quite a bit on my Delphine on Friday, the July 4 holiday, and am just short of the armpits now.
Off to work now. Have a Great Monday!
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I started another project last night. Bought some cotton at Fred Meyer for a gift that shall become known later...shh it's a secret. But it will be similar to another project I've already completed. The socks are done. The photos are uploaded to the internet, but not posted anywhere yet. The cute lacy shirt is waiting for needles to arrive (hopefully before this weekend?!). The lacy scarf is going to wait for this other project to finish, I think. I also have to decide if I want to go back and fix the yo I missed. Darn it. I'm hoping we can do the Wednesday night knitting group that has been happening the last couple weeks near my apartment, also.
We also played a new game last night! to me. Oh - yeah, I'm not sure I've mentioned it before...but we're big gamers. Board gamers. And...I'm not talking Monopoly or Scrabble. Last night the game was Small World. It was fun! I lost. That just means we need to play again ;-) Oh - also - this is the true reason that we are looking for a place to buy. We have SO MANY games, there's not enough shelves to put them on. Yeah. It's bad (or good?). In fact, the owner and staff at the local game store know my husband by name.
Happy thought for the day: The local Farmer's Market opens tomorrow!!! Sure, there won't be a ton of produce yet, but it's always fun anyway! Don't forget to check yours out!!!
Hope it's sunnier where you are! As my dad put it yesterday - he had to turn his windshield wipers on high to keep the fish off because it was raining so hard...
Friday, May 1, 2009
What's New?!
This week Wednesday I met with 4 other gals in the area for some knitting at the Urban Coffee Lounge. It's weird for me to be the instigator of something like this...but hey! It seems to be working out pretty well.
Project updates...the Delphine lacy tank that I've started on is going well I think. I have finished the first section (only 2.25in or so). I have a lifeline in it and tonight if I have time I'll take it off the needles to make sure it fits before I start the next section.
The Hedera sock that I started will have to be ripped out - it's too small & the cuff doesn't fit over my heel.
Next project to start: the Windemere scarf.
For the Delphine and the scarf I am short needles. I put in an order this morning from Knitpicks for the circulars I need. I think I'll run to a yarn shop for some straights to start the scarf on while I wait. We'll see :-)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Very Short Weekend
I also cast on for the Delphine from French Girl Knits with Just Soya in a dark pinkish color. I am modifying it a bit...not sure of the (final) details yet, but I have big hips, and want it to be longish. I cast on for the largest size, and adjusted the lace repeats w/ the intent of doing 2 rounds of decreases to get it to the medium size (basically doing p3s instead of p2s). However, I'm a bit off on the gauge, so may have to readjust.
I also bought a skein of Alpaca with a Twist Fino to make a Windemere Scarf for a gift.
Happy Monday!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Trying it Again...
The latest with me:
Photos - I haven't been taking enough!
Food - I still love to cook! This week we made these Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Sweet and Spicy Sauce.
Other thoughts - We're working on buying a townhouse!
And I added crafting to the title of the blog...Lately the crafting has been knitting :-) I have a ravelry account to keep track of my knitting projects. (Unfortunately you have to have an account to look at it...sorry about that. Will try to duplicate info to some extent).
More to come!