Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Too Many Projects

So, I made an agreement last week with the Hub. Actually, he made me index-finger-swear (cause I can knit without a pinky...). I need to get back down to an appropriate number of knitting projects. 10 is not an appropriate number. Per our original agreement from when I started knitting, 3 is the magic number. With the amazing (to me anyway) amount of FOs I had over Christmas ( that post is still on my list of things to post about...), you'd think that I didn't have anything left on the needles. HA.

What are these 10 projects that have been hanging around for months (or days, in some cases...) at a time? Let me show you. Most recent to been-around-forever.

#1 - Most recent is actually a gift. It hasn't been gifted yet, so I'll have to keep quiet about that one. However, since I'm pretty sure the recipient doesn't have a ravelry account, here's the ravlink. I really just started it on the 19th, so not too bad.  No photos up yet.

#2 - Teaching Mitts - Started: Jan 7.  I started these mitts to make along with these by Hub. Yes, I'm teaching him to knit. Yes there is a reason for that. I've been asked by a couple other people (friends at work, relatives, etc) to teach them how to knit. However. I'm not a fantastic teacher. So! I had this idea that if I taught someone who teaches better than I do, they could give me feedback on what I did/didn't do well. Enter Hub. Hurrah! A fantastic student & looking to be a great knitter too! Check out this first bit of his gloves!

#3 - Drops 103-1 Jacket.  Started Nov. 17.  I've been trucking along on this sweater, which I HAVE to finish very soon, cause it'll soon be way too warm to wear it.  I love it so far though, and hope it fits really well.

#4 - Endpaper Hat - Started Nov. 2.  This is a gift for my mom, who received it for Christmas.  I brought it home with me to finish it.  And hauled it back to OR again, didn't finish it again, and now it's back up here with me, waiting for the fleece band to be sewn inside.  Oy.

#5 - Kimono Sweater - Started August 8.  This got put aside for #3, and cause it's cotton and hard on my hands.  It's lighter weight though, so will be good for spring.  

#6 - Hedgerow Socks - Started on: June 26
These were started as an 'I need something easy' project for a day trip. The yarn is nice to work with, the first sock is lovely & fits perfectly, the pattern is cute & practical...And the second sock is still only 2/3 done. 

#7 - Felted Needle Holder - Started on: June 28  Again, knitting is done. I need to trim the edges of the felted material, figure out how to cut the fabric to make the needle pockets I want, it together.

#8 - Windermere Scarf - Started on: April 30
I started this for our real estate agent who stuck with us through the purchase of our condo, a short sale that took 6 months to complete, and whom I would recommend to anyone on the Eastside (Seattle east side that is...not eastern WA.) The real question I love this pattern (or working with lace weight) enough to continue with this project. Gifting it (or something else...) would still be fantastic.

#9 - Felted Purse - Started on: March 15
This Well, the knitting is done. What needs to be done is to try to reblock it cause I'm not super happy with the shape. And then...there's some super cute fabric waiting to be sewn in as a liner.

#10 - Is a scarf that has been in 'hibernation' for too long.  Start date on it says Feb. 3. 2009.  I think this will get taken out.

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