Yarn: KnitPicks Wool of the Andes Forest Heather, nearly 27 skeins, held 3x. (ok, call me crazy now...). Biggest problem I might have with this sweater: Um...Do I have to wash this in the bathtub? Cause it's not going to fit in my bathroom sink...kitchen is debatable.
I wore it Friday to work - not much AT work cause it's too warm - and then as a coat on Saturday. I got a couple complements from random people on the ferry just after this photo was taken. That made my day! The buttons are from Nancy's Sewing Basket.
(ravlink). This is for one of my sister's friends. She picked out the yarn color (which is fantastic!) and the pattern (equally great!). This is the third hat I've made by Jane Richmond. All 3 have been quick, easy, well written, and had a great fit. The other two were Autumn (ravlink) and Jane (ravlink), which I apparently never posted about. More on those next time (I think there was a post in my head from Christmas time which never actually got done...oops.).
We spent this weekend running around like crazy - Silverdale on Saturday, and around Seattle on Sunday. Silverdale included a trip to a great breakfast place with the in-laws, a haircut, and a retirement party for a great-uncle. Oh, and I got a new purse. :-) Sunday included church, a show that my college roommate is in, and flute choir (all on opposite ends of town, of course...).
In other news, I've learned to drink Americanos. All due to one that hub got at our favorite Kirkland coffee shop, Urban Coffee Lounge. That first one is still the best I've had...but I'm giving them a shot. (ha, a 'shot'. ok not that funny.)
That's a great picture of your sweater!
Thanks! This really awesome guy I know took it for me! ;-)
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