Ok, so really, I want to do better about posting. Really. Plus, I've got a LIST of ideas for blog posts. Better get started.
So, the sum-up of the last month and a half...
We're finally feeling recovered from our holidays, which included 3 states (including Texas), a graduation, an unexpected death and memorial service, a last-minute wedding, 3 family Christmas parties, a party with college friends, a breakfast with high school friends, a showing of White Christmas at the 5th Avenue Theater, 2 New Years parties, knitting 6 hats and a scarf for other people, and a partridge in a pear tree. Ok, so the last one didn't really exist.
Last weekend was the quarterly D&D event held by a group of friends in PDX, so we were down there again for that. I don't play, as I have a hard time gaming at 2am...but I do get to see friends & family. This time, I went on a hike with a friend from high school and her friend visiting from out of town. We were planning a snowshoeing trip around Mt. Hood, but since the last month has been very (VERY) mild, there's not much snow. We opted for the short hike up to the top of
Multnomah Falls.

The folks at the visitor center were helpful and gave us a map of the trails in the surrounding area (great 5-6mile hikes if you've got a bit more time, they say). Going to the top is a steep 1.2mi one way trip, including 11 switchbacks. Deceiving though, cause the last 3 are downhill ;-)
I took a bunch of photos cause...well...I'm out of shape, and it's a good excuse for stopping.
Multnomah Falls is one of the places my family has always frequented, since much of our family lives in Corbett. Outings (as did ours this weekend) often included a stop for lunch at the
Charburger in Cascade Locks. It's a funky place, has a great view of the river, and the burgers & pies are not too bad either.