Monday, July 6, 2009

What I did over the weekend...

Edit: Um...the photo was actually visible on my comp at home. I'll try to fix it tonight & repost...
Edit 2: Umm looks fine again at home. Can you see it?

A. Nothing.
B. Knit a lot.
C. Melted Cookie Monster in the bathtub.

I didn't actually knit a ton over the weekend - I was too busy taking 2 sweaters apart to reuse for yarn. Haven't taken finished photos yet, but that's what one of them looked like 2/3 of the way through ;-) It was a wool/nylon/angora mix from the Gap, bought for $6.99 at Value Village. Appx. 2000 yds(?)

The striped socks are almost finished. There should be finished photos of them tonight. As well as photos of my reclaimed yarn. Wahoo!

I also worked quite a bit on my Delphine on Friday, the July 4 holiday, and am just short of the armpits now.

Off to work now. Have a Great Monday!

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